January 5, 2011 |

Happy New Year....I Think?

Back to life after Christmas.  For anyone who has kids I think you understand what I mean.  The kids on holidays, parties, friends, family Christmas, clean up, new stuff, and oh did I mention.....MAYHEM!!  It's nearly impossible to schedule anything, to follow any sort of routine, to keep them under control in any way, shape or form.
Now, I know I shouldn't complain, because I have been around a zillion other kids over the holidays and I have every confidence that mine are near the top of the cosmic well behaved list.  (they are pretty super, when I am objective enough to look at the big picture and not dwell on the itty bitty things that only make me crazy.)
We are in our first week back at school, work etc.  It's raining ( and by that I mean POURING) so long to the beautiful, sunny winter days we had enjoyed for the entire week previous.  The kids are grumpy, tired and slobs!!  All I have to say is "clean up those new toys, before I give them to a tidy child!!"  (obviously not an option considering how much toys cost)  I didn't get all OCD buying bins and containers just so you could leave your toys on the floor beside the empty bins.  Yep, the girl who lived in a bedroom knee deep in clothes and Tiger Beat mags, (which I am sure my mother would adamantly attest too) is obsessive about how tidy her kids rooms are.  God how I hate all those people who said "your kids are going to be just like you!!)  and honestly I feel badly for the girls, because who wants to turn into their mother?  ( I fight that one with every fibre of my being, and will until the day the dementia takes over {haha...or not?} .)
What a depressing start to the week....I want my sunshine back, it makes me feel better!!!

Well anyway, just so everyone knows I have decided not to make any New Years Resolutions, because really I've never kept a single one!!  I plan to make some small changes to my life and to the lives of my family, but they are more general ways to make our lives more solid and easier to live, nothing major.  So there.  I'll be back to blabber on about this and that, hopefully sooner then the last.  Keep reading, it can't possibly get worse!


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