June 10, 2010 |

Good Morning: And By That I Mean.....Is It Nap Time Yet?

In an effort to write more, and procrastinate less, I assumed that getting up before the kids would really help to get things jump started for the day.  With coffee in hand I am staring at page after page of unedited work trying to decide on the best direction to head.  I need more action, and a less strict timeline for my characters.  I need to learn how to write better dialogue because mine feels choppy and forced ( how many times can you say "he said" "she replied" before the reader just puts the entire book down and walks away ?).  I still look at this 300 page manuscript and wonder how I was able to bang this out in 30 short days, yet can't seem to get very far with the editing.  It's weird really, since the big ideas are already down on paper, you would think tweaking and tinkering would be simple, the twists and turns are ready, my fingers poised for action.....I just haven't figured out how turn this game on.  Hello!! where's the on button??
Needless to say, the kids might still be asleep, my cup is empty, my eyes are dry and blurry.  Is it nap time yet?


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