March 10, 2011 |

The Greatest Mom Lesson Ever Learned

Remember all those times you were out somewhere and you came across a totally hysterical kid, throwing a shit fit over one thing or another, and you thought to yourself " what the hell is that mom doing, or that kid's a brat.. "  (You get my drift there) 

You vowed to yourself right there on the spot that you would never "let" your kid behave like that, or let them get away with that.  You would never be the mom who caved over candy or hotwheels.  You would never continue your grocery shopping while your toddler lied down in the middle of the aisle and screamed at the top of their lungs.....

I will fully admit that on more then one occasion I was one of those people tossing dirty looks at the seemingly incapable mother, and picturing a collection of mutilated action figures in that child's near future.....and then I gave birth.

In the instant I became a mother, a switch flipped in my head.  Here I was holding a baby, it's crying, your crying, and you have no idea why either of you are shedding those tears.  Gradually you and baby adapt to each other.  You begin to understand those whimpers, your own subside ( if you're lucky ) and your new life begins.  Through the magic of genetics, your baby grows and thrives, milestones come and go in the blink of an eye.  You miss them all trying to be super mom.  Baby learns to crawl while you're pureeing organic carrots.  First teeth come in over night, and your first clue was the sore nipples.
You clean the house from top to bottom ( god forbid your kid ingests a sprinkle of dust )  You spend nap times with your head in the washing machine, or bent over the sink doing dishes..all for the love and well being of your baby. 
You pretend your world isn't crumbling around you when the baby says "dada" before "mama"...even though 99% of the time you are baby's entire world. 
Then it all begins to change, baby learns to walk and talk, and all hell breaks loose!!  "Mine" "No" and high pitched screams become your little "angel's" vocabulary choices.  
Ladies, head's up: this is when your hair turns grey and no fancy cream in the world will fill in those fine lines. 
You are now the parent of an "evil" toddler.  You may have heard of the Terrible Two's.  Yes, sometimes they are.  You have a child whose brain learns and advances at lightning speed, yet their language skills still border on jibber jabber.  They know exactly what they want and when they want it, but are incapable of getting the words out of their mouths.  Frustrating for them I'm sure...translating said jibber jabber into something that your own brain can process.....equally as frustrating.  Just you wait...whoever coined the term Terrible Two's obviously had never been anywhere near a 3 year old.

I say all this in good fun ( now that I am finally out of that stage!! )  Everyday my kids are happy and healthy are good ones...I am even referring to those days they make you so crazy you fully lose your shit, freak out, yell and slam doors. ( let's tell the truth here...sometimes mom needs a time out too.)

So next time you see that frazzled mom, doing everything she can to not yell when her kid acts like a monster...remember just because your child is not at that stage, or it hasn't happened to you YET, it will.
Instead of passing judgement on her parenting skills ( this does not apply if said mother is a cracked out junkie ) thank your lucky stars that today, your child hasn't thrown you under the bus in a fit of mass hysteria.


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