April 20, 2011 |

Should I Be Measuring Success By The Fierceness of a Stilletto Strut??

I am hoping that doesn't give me an automatic fail, since I haven't worn heels in 6 years.  At first it was out of necessity.  The hubs was still working as an apprentice, and I was home with our first baby.  There was no extra money for the frivolity of fabulous shoes.  As my maternity leave came to an end and the decision to go back to my previous job or continue to stay home loomed near, a little piddle on a stick made the choice even harder.  Could I manage my previous job while pregnant for the second time?  While not all that physically demanding, it was emotionally stressful dealing not only customers and their bullshit, but keeping track of all the staff drama was exhausting.  Emotions and exhaustion already a challenge for my knocked up self.  The decision was made.  Rather then fork out an exorbitant amount of money to have strangers raise my child, I chose to work part time evenings and weekends, while the husband took care of the baby.  It was an easy job, that I stayed at until my prego-ness started to freak out the customers. 

I currently work from home, doing fairly well, and hoping to expand on that so I can continue to be a stay at home mom for my kids.  The only down side to part time work ; the quest for a decent pair of shoes wages on.

Somewhere in the back of my mind I felt that success was measured by how hard you rocked your heels, and while a great pair of heels, seems to make the average girl a superstar, it's all a facade. Feeling good and succeeding at life comes from you.  While the length of my "bucket list" spreads to the extreme, it doesn't mean I have not succeeded, it just means I'm not there yet. 

I have managed to keep two kids alive for nearly 6 years, if you don't have kids then you have no idea.....I really do think this has been quite a feat.  Setting aside every ounce of self preservation in order to keep two crying, needy, shitty pants children happy is something else!!
Of course if I had been wearing a killer pair of heels, I'd probably have six kids by now, so maybe there was a reason I didn't splurge on all those sexy heels I spied in store windows.

Now anyone raising girls should know, that it is your responsibility as a parent to prevent them from becoming little slutty douche bags.  It is your fault and you are a shitty parent if your daughters become a hot mess of Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse.  Grow some balls and learn to say no, before it's too late.  They may tell you they hate you when they're 14 but when they hit their mid 20's and realize that in real life that those girls are a waste of oxygen, they'll thank you.

I may not own an awesome pair of heels, and I may have made permanent friends with my flip flops, but it turns out I am a success.  I have two thoughtful, happy, well behaved girls.  They are socially and environmentally conscious and both make concerted efforts to be good people without further coaxing from me.  I have started them on their ways to being useful members of society.  Huh, who would have thought?

Jimmy Choo never fear, I will continue to drool over your awesomeness.....just know it will likely continue to be through a pane of glass.


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